
Mais Suppe
Thomas Bogaert


offer III: de achtergelaten resten van een heerlijk maal
Chiara Lammens


CLUB1: Hunter/Jager
Klaas Rommelaere


One of Many, aiming for the other side
Dirk Zoete


Dr. Rhodes Chiropractic
Will Brown


Why the trees are curved?
Diane Rabreau


The Boundary Line
Clare Noonan


47°N 7°E: Floating Bodies and Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres
Myra Van Ameringe


Kleine geschiedenis van de hoop met toeval en kruiden
Honoré d’O


Leslie Shows


Il faut se coiffer la mémoire?
Tinka Pittoors


And What of He Who Loosed His Arrow?
Jeff Warrin


This Could Be Paradise : an ode to imagination
Caroline Vincart